Streamline Data Collection for various Social Impact Reporting

Simple cloud-based platform to manage multiple SI data obligations easily and cost-effectively which will drive further investment and growth to achieving the SDGs. Effective reporting of SDG data from multiple departments for all your SI reporting obligations through a single platform and gain fresh insight.


Simplify Data Collection

For contributors to create a streamlined and efficient data collection process, encouraging higher quality data

Empower Sustainability teams

For sustainability impact team to create a more efficient and easier to manage data collection process across university departments

Collaborate and Communicate

Allow sharing of data throughout the University to effectively communicate new stories to your key stakeholders

Do more!

The relevant teams responsible to collect Social Impact (SI) data from multiple departments across the University for various reporting throughout the year. The task has been particularly demanding, involving varied and complex information which is hard to collate as much of it had not been recorded centrally by departments or previously collected by teams working with SI data. In some cases, data requirements overlap between projects or may be useful for wider reporting throughout other departments.