About Us

Our Mission: Reinventing how universities build awareness, create new narratives, and engage with the world up to, and beyond, 2030.


We are passionate team that love working with new technology, by using our expertise with big data and effectively using AI techniques to present complex information. Our objective is to work with universities that are striving to achieve UN SDG reporting needs to inform decision making.

We are human

A diverse team of expertise who are passionate about working in Higher Ed. Brilliant, friendly and knowledgeable people are at the root of everything we do – both our staff and our clients. We embrace originality, value honesty, open to learning from the sector and always try to inject a bit of fun in everything we do.

We Listen

Being part of the higher education community is paramount to what we do. Listening to you means that our products and services are always one step ahead of the shifting demands of higher education reporting.